Wednesday 12 February 2014

The irony of being "Terrified of Heights"...

As you will notice, the blog you are currently reading is called terrified of heights, in reference to my twin sister's and my last name (Height). Although this goes much deeper than just that.

Melissa and I both have always had a 'fear of heights', standing by the edge of a rail that looked four stories down, or being on top of a building unprotected. Those situations we've just either avoided or just repressed the memories. So needless to say, when we both took to wind sports, (specifically Paragliding) people who knew us growing up found that rather odd.

At some point in the last 8 years, our fear of heights simultaneously disappeared. Not questioning why that was, we both decided to join in the fun of some extreme sports, including a 14,000 foot jump from a fully functioning plane, and the desire to undertake a pilots licence for a helicopter.

We live on the 'edge' now, looking down, from heights we never imagined before. We stopped letting fear sit in the drivers seat and took the wheel ourselves. That doesn't mean we don't encounter the rush of adrenaline when we get the first tug of the lines from a winch, we just know now to trust that what happens will happen, what will be will be. So no need to fear, just give in and enjoy the ride.

As I write this, it coincides with how I am attempting to look at my life on a grand scale as well. All fears are simply fears of the unknown. The ultimate fear is always the fear of death, as in being truly alone, not figuratively alone, I mean, no one is on that trip with you, it's only you. That's why it's feared. It's not possible to be human and have no fear at all in life, you may not be afraid of what others are, and you may not let your fears come to the surface, but surely there is one in there, buried deep down in each of us. If you look into that one, I guarantee it will always come back to the ultimate fear of the death/separation. Share your fear if you wish down in our comments.

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