Tuesday 11 February 2014

Secrets, shhuuuuuusssshhhhh

3 things I’ve managed to keep secret, till now.


I detest little dogs, and fat cats…. Yes, that’s right a VEGAN can despise, and profile animals. I’m not proud of it, I just can’t accept them. They are abnormal, any dog like that in the wild would have been a snack a long time ago, and any cat who gets winded by 4 paw lengths in front would also be!. The saddest part is, the cats can lose weight, and those dogs (rats) will never be able to do anything to change their circumstance, yet I still hold it against them.


I harshly judge people who smoke….I know you may be thinking, “so? They should be judged”, you must be a non-smoker too. Well I hate to say, but I find smokers to be the most selfish people on the face of the earth. They pollute the air, the ground by recklessly tossing their chemicals onto it when they are done, and most of all the pollute ME. Yes, I am aware that I sound selfish too there, oh well. Mostly I judge them because they have unknowingly, the lowest self-control ever. They whine about how tough it is to quit, really? You started it in the first place! Get a grip, and take back your life. *Full disclosure, I’ve never even tried a puff, but both my parents smoke, and I love them AND judge them harshly.


I just started my first ever blog/vlog….Just a shameless plug. Although everything above is true, this was just a ploy to get you hooked on, and sharing my newest venture. Don’t blame me, you’re the one who wanted to know my dirty little secrets, you’re just as guilty as I. Now BE LAZY AND GET MY BLOG SENT TO YOU cause you want more of this awesomeness.

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