Thursday 13 February 2014

Animal "abuse"?

Aww did that video of someone kicking a cat, or riding a deer down a hill, or someone leaving their dog out in the cold make you upset?
Is Russia killing all those stray dogs breaking your heart?
Well why don't you take your rage out online and comment on how disgusting and horrible those people are?? Oh you did? GOOD!

Now I want you to ask yourself one question... What makes those things any different from the meat on your plate every night? If you're not a vegetarian or vegan than you need to quit your b*&#%' and stay quiet. Finding something morally wrong about doing those things means you actually have a level of compassion for animals. That's a GOOD thing. But in your ignorance you decide to completely forget that the flesh you consume on a regular basis, got there by means far worse then those videos.

Well I love to see people get justice for cruel acts towards anything living, I think the adage "People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" is very appropriate here. You must see the irony in the situation, one case the animals are "Cute" so it's a terrible thing to happen. But animals you decide to eat are not, so who cares... they have no souls right? they feel no pain like their cute cousins right?

Anyone I see professing to "love animals" and continues to consume their flesh is clinically insane.
Remember, in certain countries, DOGS and CATS are meat, the same way cows are, and it's "normal" for them.

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